Saturday, November 10, 2012

Idea Mix

Seriously desiring these mittens!
saw them on Pinterest

saw this on a blog...
don't ask cause I forgot to bookmark it...
love the colors and fabrics

probably a Pinterest photo
I must get back to my wool mitten making

working on a gift rug right now
going to add a cat to each corner
just like these...
you'll just have to wait to see it
I already want to keep it

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  1. I must spend more time on Pinterest...always love what you find! Those striped mitts are ohmygosh...something I want!!!

  2. This is why I loathe Pinterest. One's photo's are taken and used with no consideration to the maker, and I 'm not apologizing for my thoughts.

  3. Oh....that antique all kinds of wonderful!!! :o)))) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
