Monday, December 31, 2012

Time to Stitch

A project for Mom...
and me!
this pattern set arrived today
we're going to create a quilt
with the blocks from
above and below patterns

Mom is going to use the 
Wool and Needle flannels 
I gave her for Christmas...
I'll be using fabrics from my stash

a photo from Pinterest

No New Years resolutions for me
this year I'm going to challenge myself each month...

January 2013: 
no looking at Pinterest or  websites

that will mean less time online
more time for stitching and hooking...
I don't need any new ideas or patterns
my sewing room is overflowing

I'll continue working on my UFO stash
for a while
I'm in the mood for clearing up
the clutter of so many 
works in progress...

Wishing you a 
Happy and Healthy 2013!


  1. ohmygosh Kelley Girl...what an awesome project for you and your Mom! Looking forward to see the work in progress. Happy New Year to you!

  2. Love the hooked Header piece, so cute.......Happy New Year, Francine.

  3. Miss Kelly, Happy New Year 2013 !!!!
    May Every Single Day of Your New Year Glow With
    Pawsome Cheer, Excellent Healthy, & Happiness

    ❤ You always been loved by Me ❤

    Puddy Boy
    ( AKA... Mr. Poot )

  4. Kelley ~
    That is a lofty challenge. Good luck to you. I know if I spent less time on the computer I'd get so much more done!!!
    Happy New Year.
    Hugs :)

  5. I can't wait to see how they come out and fun to see it in different fabrics.


  6. Lovely patterns!Happy New Year!Hugs,Jen

  7. Oooooh two more of Jan Patek's wonderful designs! Did you watch her applique tutorials on the sidebar of her blog? I've got both of these on my "wish list"... I must finish some existing projects before I start more.... Looking forward seeing how you and your Mom stitch these up! Happy New Year! I do like the idea of monthly goals. Makes it sounds more doable...

  8. Happiest of new years to you and your fur babies Kelley girl! Wishing you a year filled with blessings from above. Looking forward to seeing what all your creative hands accomplish in the needlearts department! hugs, Lori

  9. Seeing comments here from Sharon and Lori, made my heart happy!

  10. These quilts are gonna be some kinda good....can't wait to see!! Good luck with the resolutions/challenges. I don't do so well in that department, so gave up. Hey, why set yourself up for failure? ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
