Thursday, February 7, 2013

Color Choices

when I started stitching these
I couldn't decide on a color scheme

so I stitched both

the blue and brown 
will have blue borders
blue or brown binding?
probably brown

the green and red
will have red borders
green binding

After 5 days off
I go back to work today...bleh!
would much rather stay home and stitch
it's still cold 
with more on the way


  1. The piece I got from you has a lot of those blues in it, so thinking of using the blue apple fabrics I have, on it.


  2. Love the photo of Chester, what beautiful eyes!

    And the quilts....oh the little quilts.....they are beyond wonderful!

  3. Yummmy...! Loving those browns and blues!!! And all of your sweet little UFO's!!! But I could even get THAT close to a little quilt project!! Hope things are well and you've gotten that thyroid issue under control. (Yikes - makes me wonder if there might be a rationale to my malaise....) Hope work went smoothly - never fun "going back...." Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Me and Mom go for the second one...Happy Colour..PINK : )

  5. Oh My! I can see why you couldn't stop at just one color choice, Kelley ~ they're Gorgeous!

