Monday, February 11, 2013

Up Side Down

image from Pinterest

I'm feeling upside down today
 working day turn for a few days
to train as a Super User
on a new piece of equipment...
love the training...not the hours

stitching continues on little quilts
by the end of the week 
I'll be switching to hooking
the big church with sheep rug is calling to me...
maybe even a little cat one too!

Thanks for all your kind words and thoughts about Chester
I miss him every day
but it's with a smile not tears...


  1. Kelley,
    I loved seeing all the pics of Chester. I know you miss him dearly. He was well loved while here on this earth. Looking forward to seeing your little quilts. I'm finishing up my x-stitch sampler tonight and hope to start my next rug tomorrow. So fun to be able to switch to different mediums when the mood strikes, isn't it? Take care. Hugs, Lori

  2. sorry you are having 'upside down" days... Chester was a sweet baby...

  3. Every now and then we all experience those "upside down" days. Hang in! Julie.

  4. " upside down " I know that word !
    Last weekend I just fall off the shelves !!! Mom and dad laugh out loud ! COD ! Lucky I am a cat. I did land beautiful on mom's lap ; )
    Anyway, today kitty special cuddle for you
    (((( hugs )))))

  5. Loved all those little quilts a couple of posts back! You make it look so easy! I can relate to how you are with Chester as I am the same with my Border Collie Daisy... and although I hope to adopt another furry friend one day, I know there was only one Daisy dog! :-) Stitching on the little pillows... and hoping to pick up a hook by the weekend...

  6. can't wait to see the things you're working on, Kelley ~ you're so talented in so many different directions! Wow!

    have a good day!

