Thursday, March 28, 2013

I Forgot...

I completely forgot about ordering this
cutter holder box from

the one I purchased is unfinished
still deciding what color to paint it...

it's exactly what I've been wanting
nice and heavy so it won't tip over
deep enough for lots of wool

now to get back to my hooking

 had a nice visit with Dad this morning
of course he is full of
which means he's feeling much better
now to get him to 
work on his therapy


  1. Have you smuggled any chocolate in for your Dad? That's what he needs to get on the track of healing, ya' know.... lol! ;-) Glad he is feeling better!

  2. I am happy that you had a nice visit today and grouchy is a good sign, lol. The stand is like a box so you can paint it to match the room you will be using it in.


  3. Good to hear your dad is feeling better. I hope he will work hard so he can go back home to your mom. I have one of Ault's cutter boxes. I love it! Hugs, Lori

  4. Glad to hear your dad is doing better Kelley. Such a worry....hope your mom is doing ok. I love that tote box from Aults. I almost purchased one myself a couple of years ago...just perfect for a Townsend!

  5. Complaining is good :)
    Hugs & Happy Easter,

  6. My cutter stand, I got from Old Scotty Woolens several years ago. Mine is painted red , but I know you love old blues and greens. I'll guess that you'll choose one of those two colors.

  7. So glad your dad is doing better and you had a good visit today!

    Happy Easter to you and all your furry friends!

  8. I love your box, those are great for lots of things! I hope things go well for your dad. Have a blessed weekend!
