Sunday, April 14, 2013

Another Day

photo has nothing to do with post
I just like the quilt

* * * * * * *
long story short
spent most of the day in the ER
with Mom
she has severe bronchitis
she opted to go home
given the choice...
of course

Dad is improving daily
he's anxious for physical therapy 
to get him strong again
as in yesterday isn't soon enough

I go back to work tomorrow
after my "vacation" 
as Dad calls it...
thank God 
for the 
Family Medical Leave Act
it gave me the time I needed
to help my Dad 
physically and mentally
I done my best.


  1. Kelley are a beautiful daughter.

  2. Goodness your family sure has been through it this last few weeks. Praying for a speedy recovery for your mom and hope your dad continues to improve every day!
    What a "vacation"....glad the medical leave was there for you to use.
    Hope you find your week is a good one.

  3. I sure hope your mom gets better soon, you have all had enough. I wish you could take a me day for yourself before you went back to work.


  4. Thank goodness, your Dad is getting stronger! Bronchitis is not much fun, but it is treatable. Some better weather, the right meds and your mom will be much better!

    You're in my daily prayers, and work will be a familiar schedule. Hoping you have a good night's sleep, before you have to return, and as busy shift as is just right for getting back at it. May God grant you the strength to keep running, as fast as you need to! Wishing you some special moments of joy in the upcoming week. You certainly deserve some.

    Spring really is coming some day soon!

  5. bless you for taking care of them!

    I love the quote on top of your side bar, it sounds like an antique sampler, or grave engraving.

  6. You need to go back to work to get some rest...

    You and your parents are in my prayers.

  7. So sorry to hear about your mom Kelley. I hope both of your parents will be improving so they can be home together again soon and you can have peace of mind as you go back to work. Keeping you all in my prayers. Big hugs, Lori

  8. Geez Kelley...You certainly have your hands full..what a blessing it is to have such a wonderful daughter like yourself. Yes...I have thanked God and Bill Clinton for the FMLA many, many times over. All the times I had to miss work for my daughter's health issues in the past made it just a bit more bearable. Prayers for you and your parents..God Bless.
