Friday, April 5, 2013


I've taken some Family Medical Leave time
to spend with Dad...
doing all the things an overworked, understaffed
 nursing home staff can't get to...

sleeping is pretty much out of the question right now
no matter what 
my head doesn't stop at night

so I've been gathering more items for the big
animal shelter garage sale later this month

one thing for sure being donated...
that wretched hula hoop that has defeated me!

the other diversion?
what else...


  1. ohboy...I hope everything works out soon. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, Kelley Girl!

  2. Diversions are a good thing, like a little vacation, but you don't have to pack and don't have to spend any money (unless of course you click the BUY button).

  3. I love that bin in your header, would be fun to make something like that. I really need to clean out things I will never use, just so over whelming, lol.


  4. it's never easy, is it? been there, done that, giving you a hug, and a prayer. hope things get lined out & rest as you can.

  5. Prayers for you and your family. Being a care taker is so rough on everyone involved. At least some diversions will calm your thoughts for awhile... Pinterest and sewing are two goodies! :-)

  6. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.Remember to take care of yourself as well as your mom and dad.Hugs,Jen

  7. Thinking of you, your mom and dad, Kelley ~ hoping and praying that tomorrow will be a better day.


  8. My prayers for this time to pass at just the right speed. It is never easy to say goodbye to those we love. It is so hard to watch our parents struggle as their health fades. Staying with your dad is an investment of time and love you'll never regret.

    I know how much you love your parents, and how blessed they are to have you and your sister nearby. Sweet dreams, whenever you nap.
