Monday, April 8, 2013

Pansy Love

my favorite flower of Spring

you know this can't be my cat
because it's outside!
Olivia would love to be out among the flowers

love this soft butter shade

the only time
I really like purple


my local sister and I 
had a meeting with someone from 
Hospice today...
planning for the future
very informative

I get to the facility as early as possible
Dad can't remember the little things...
like where his call button is
every night I tell myself to sleep in
get some rest
I really can't

right now getting him a fresh 
cup of ice water
is one way of
letting him know he is worth the extra effort

I can sleep in a chair
this is why I took 
Family Medical Leave time
to keep my eye on him
ease his days
by keeping water glass full
putting the oxygen back in his nose
again and again as he forgets what it is
being there when he wakes up
from every nap
to know he's not alone
turn the heat up
then down 
then the AC on
and repeat
a million little things

I wish everyone had someone
to look after them in the facility
some rooms are full of family members
some are always quiet and empty
of all but the patient

So why pansy love today?
passing one room daily 
I see an elderly patient crocheting
just like my grandmother did
when she was in the nursing home
her name was Pansy
I know I've told you before how lucky 
I am to have inherited her love a handwork

from Dad I know one thing for sure
I've inherited
we both love milk!
it's the only thing he's still asking for
today he told me he and a neighbor
used to stop on the way home from work
for a drink
you got it...
they stopped at Isaly Dairy for a glass of milk


  1. *****you have made a good personal choice to take that time
    you will look back with peace in your mind and heart. rather the change in holding a child the father extends his hand to his little girl to support her and give her strength. now that little girl is a woman who extends her heart and hand to gently guide her loving father in these winter days of his life. best of luck! we understand what you are facing and
    remember to try and take care of your own health at this time. peace!

  2. So glad you are able to take this time to be with your Dad. The small things mean so very much. Take care of yourself and rest as much as you can. Glad your Mom was able to make a visit. Keeping all of you in my prayers.

  3. You are a child everyone would love to have. A child who care when the parents is getting old. I'm so proud to be your friend : )
    Beautiful flowers, Beautiful heart
    Hugs from Me

  4. Morning, how great you are with your Dad, very heartfelt.....I love Pansy`s, usually have some planted in pots now, they don`t mind the cold.... but still really cold and ton`s of snow here......Thanks for the pictures, Brightened up my day, Francine.

  5. Enjoy what you can with the time that is left. You and your family are in my prayers.

  6. Its great that you were able to take this time off to be with your Dad. I hope that it eases your mind as it most certainly is easing his to know you are near.
    Hugs, Kim

  7. I like yellow and red shades, seem to gravitate towards those types, but it depends on what i see in the store.

    I am glad you are able to spend this time with your dad, and even when he is in his moods, he knows you are there and how much you love him.


  8. If there was a LIKE button on each of the comments above, I would click each one. This is such a bittersweet time for you.
    God Bless You, your dad, and family.
    I Love the Pansy story and the yellow flower.

  9. Bless your heart ~ and bless your dad! Yu are one fine daughter!

  10. Kelley ~
    There is a special corner in heaven for you! How wonderful of you to take the family leave to be with dad. I'm sure it helps your mom knowing she can depend on you.
    Love the pansies. We always called the miniatures johnny jump ups.
    Hugs :)

  11. Sad to read that your Dad hasn't been able to overcome this. You are so wise to have taken this extra time to be with him. My mom has been gone for more than 15 years, but I still remember our last days together. I know your dad is comforted by your presence!

    <3 leave nothing unsaid with regard to loving memories...

  12. Kelley, you and your mom and dad are in my prayers, I know this is a hard time for you. I'm sure your being there means so much to both your parents, God Bless.

  13. Kelley,
    Tom expressed it beautifully! We are remembering all of you and keeping you close to our hearts and in our prayers. I love the pansy and milk stories! Take care my friend and know that others are thinking of you and those that are alone as well. Big hugs, Lori
