Thursday, April 11, 2013

Retail Therapy

Madeline wool

the swatches weren't in my hands a minute
when I had to order some of this!!!
plus a few others

audio books are keeping me sane-ish this week
finishing up The Hunger Games series
 on to some mysteries
first one
Carolyn Hart
What the Cat Saw


I spent a long time with Dad this morning
in to the early afternoon...

we got the evil eye from some ladies
when we took the good spot next 
to the courtyard door
too cold and rainy to go outside

a perfect spot for reading the newspaper
his back was to them
so he didn't see the evil eye
just as well
he would probably have given raspberries


  1. OMG! Love the pic in your blog header! Wool fixes more than chocolate! Glad you are their to keep your Dad sane and comfortable.

  2. Love that wool, will be nice for pumpkins.
    Glad you had a nice time with your dad.


  3. The raspberries! Lol

    Sounds like a great place to read the paper. Glad your dad has you watching his back! ;)

    Books can help you pass the time with a smile....and not bother others who are reading the paper. I know he is resting all the better with your TLC!

  4. Your cat header did me in this morning. I am still rolling on the floor..

    I am sure it is hard seeing your Dad this way but kudo's to you for being so supportive.

  5. I ordered that wool too, among others.


  6. Beautiful piece of wool. I love how old-er people just give the appropriate reply to the actions of others.

  7. I got my samples yesterday. Wish I had a lot of money to buy some of each one!
