Sunday, May 12, 2013

Move It Move It

right now I'm still in the
tossing and condensing stage at
the folks house...

every bit of paper is being looked at
for the shred or trash piles
I've been working on these for years
with no noticable progress...

it takes much longer for Mom
to let go of things
like empty boxes, plastic bags, paperclips...
wait until we get to the
real treausres...

I need to get one room open
for my cupboards and shelves...
then I can transport most of my
fabric, wool, books
you know
the essentials for creating

decorative items will be stored away

I've been an absent friend
regarding emails lately...
just know I'm up to my eyeballs
about all I do is work, visit the folks
pack, condense, trash and sleep
with sleep being the last priority

I am enjoying the time spent with the folks
together and seperately...
your kind thoughts and prayers are keeping me going

~ Happy Mother's Day ~


  1. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers my friend. Hang in there and enjoy your folks while you can. Love and hugs, Lori

  2. Kelley ~
    How lucky your folks are to have you! With all you have to do, be sure to take a few minutes for yourself when you can.
    Happy Mother's Day to you and the furbabies.
    Hugs :)

  3. I hope that things will settle for you and you will be able to enjoy your parents.

  4. Have a good week...hope you are taking care of "you" too.

  5. The best to you and your family during this transition.

  6. Isn't it funny how we can sort through others stuff more easily than our own? You are Wonder Woman. I hope that room is just around the corner.

    Mother's Day with grow ups and kids - ours was great! Little one out swimming in a wading pool, and spraying each other with the hose. Some good things never change, one generation to the next. <3
