Sunday, May 5, 2013

Packing Time

Mom and Dad
May 2
they've been married almost 65 years

my sister took this photo
right before he took a nosedive 
out of his chair...
he's fine
that hard headed German skull
has taken more than a few bumps

 July 2011
Dad was in skilled nursing that month
oh the changes in the past 2 years...

boxes are being packed
at my house
I've given my landlord a 2 month notice

the cats and I 
will be moving in with Mom 
by the end of June...

oh the cats!
they are the one fly in the ointment
how to keep them inside
is my issue

Mom will forget 
I don't want to have them closed off
in a bedroom when I'm out of the house
my thinking cap is on
for a solution

this sort of tired I understand
hoping after the move
I'll have more time to enjoy
my wool
 and thread

It's a gorgeous morning here
the crab apple trees are blooming wildly
makes all the driving around such a pleasure
Wishing you a wonderful day!


  1. I know how you feel. I took care of my parents. It is such a difficult time for you whether you even realize it or not. The biggest impact will be on you. Your cats will actually be an asset for your parents care. They have a calming effect. Fix your cats a place in your bedroom where they can escape to with a window they can look out of with maybe a chair or end table they can sit on and it will help to keep them from escaping and being underfoot when you aren't home. If you create them their hiding place they can be trained to go there when you aren't at home. Good luck and try to enjoy this time you have left with your parents. Sadly it will be over way too soon. Mine are gone and I miss them all the time.

  2. they are adorable Kelleygirl ~ I can see the love they have for each other in their nice to see faces of those I have been keeping in my thoughts & prayers!
    I'm so happy some positive changes are coming for you ~ and your family too...savor the time with them and remember to take that much-needed time for yourself by doing some heart & handwork!

  3. Precious pic of your parents. Good luck on your move.

  4. What a beautiful couple! UH OH! On the nose dive!!! I bet your mom is so grateful for you moving in with her.

  5. Kelley,
    Your parents are such a lovely couple! To have happiness and beautiful children to care for you in your fragile years is a blessing! Praying that you and the kitties will make the transition smoothly. Sending big hugs and wishes for you all!
    Cathy G

  6. Kelley,
    What great looking parents! Thanks for sharing photos of them. It is nice to put a face to them. As always, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers, Maria

  7. I hope your move goes smoothly and the kitties will enjoy being at your mom's. I always had a problem when Dani was here, always letting the kitties escape.


  8. Kelley ~
    I'm sure it will be such a comfort and help to your parents knowing you are there. How lucky they are to have such a loving, caring daughter. There will be a special spot in heaven for you. What sweet pics.
    Hugs :)

  9. Thanks for sharing the lovely pics of your parents. I'm going through similar issues except that my dad has passed and it's me taking care of mom. It is stressful and a blessing at the same time.

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!

  10. Kelley,
    Your parents are the sweetest! I know there is no perfect solution but I hope everything works out with you moving in with your mom. Just think of the fun you'll have working on projects together?! You are all in my prayers. Big hugs, Lori

  11. Glad Dad was okay after his dive. Perhaps he'll grow stronger if he knows the kats are at the house? Can he get a pass for the day?

    Mary's suggestion about making a hideaway is a great one. Bob has always loved taking refuge in one of two places, my closet, packed full of enough stuff it makes him hard to grab, or under the bathroom sink if my closet door is closed. We finally just put a blanket in a basket in there. With two, maybe a couple of empty boxes that they can barely get into or an open suitcase under the bed?

    I know your parents count you at or near the top of their blessings.
