Monday, June 24, 2013


 I've never had a cat who liked water
other than drinking

 my two
would probably turn in to
if I got them wet

as for us people
we are happy to bathe...
just looking to trade the old tub
for a walk in shower
though the bathroom could use 
a total makeover
the less changed the better

Mom really  hates doesn't like it
when the cats
get put in cat jail
( two bedrooms and short hall )
when I leave house
everyday she asks if I'm sure
they can't stay out...

a daily little heartbreak
the cats have really taken to her
especially Melrose
he is forever doing the rollies for her
Olivia even rubbed around her legs today
first time ever 
for anyone but me


  1. I love that Momma is so attached to the kitties so quickly. I have one of those weird cats because Clarice loves, loves to take a shower. She's one of a kind!

  2. Your pictures make me smile, cats are so funny.
