Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Sunnier Day

two days off in a row
it's almost like a vacation
with no doctor appointments
no phone calls to government offices
or other businesses closed on the weekend...
Mom and I have visited Dad
made a dash around the grocery store...
too hot and muggy to work in the garage
so we'll relax and clean up the sewing room a bit
still so much to organize
but it's an easy day...
no pressure to rush before work
I have a feeling this is the day
I've been waiting for
a day to hook
wish me luck
hope you're having a great
long weekend
we were fairly slow in the ER
the past few nights...
always good news
especially over the 4th


  1. Kelley,
    It sounds like you are doing so much better there with the folks. It's so good to hear you might get in a little hooking time too! Hope things keep progressing and looking sunnier each day!
    Cathy G

  2. Enjoy your day Kelley and sure hope you get a little rug hooking time in. Hugs, Lori

  3. I hope you can relax and hook today, too hot to be outside.


  4. Hope things go as you hope!
    Happy hooking :)

  5. Hope you have had lots of time to get some hooking done today, Kelley....everyone needs some "me" time.

    I look forward to seeing your next project!


  6. Sweet to know that you've had a couple more restful days. You seem to be handling things in such a great way.

    Prayers that the relaxed pace may be the start of a good long period of better times.
