Monday, August 5, 2013

found on Pinterest

you know I seldom
look at names or dates...
just the beauty

look for Miyuki
(I think )
on Pinterest
great little quilts
from Cheri and Jan Patek patterns

the old fabrics are still my faves too

I treasure my pink stripe fabric

ordered a new couch last week...
unfortunately not this one though

Today Mom said for sure she is stitching
not holding my breath
as long as she is having a good day
she can do whatever...

after we visit Dad
(some days she needs encouragement)
that means laundry
the dishes
talking to the cats
looking through quilt books


  1. Love those quilts and the materials. I have been saving my taupes for a project like this.


  2. wow love those quilts,esp. that 3rd one. hugs to mom & dad. so good that the simple things encourage her. God is there quietly waiting, a calming balm, indeed!

  3. I am lucky enough to be able to call the very talented Miyuki a fond friend of mine, have know her since Calico Station, my quilt shop, days......I would send her home with fabrics & pattern for a shop sample and she would be back the very next with it hand pieced & quilted!!!!
    even named one of my quilt shop cats after her!!!
    very sweet and incredibly creative.......

  4. I love how she has made these, thanks for letting us know about her.

  5. The quilts are always so breathtaking!!!!!! Gosh, I wish I had the patience and the talent.
    I took a look at that couch and my eyes nearly bugged out!!!! I thought "YOU GO KELLEY"!!!!!! Then I read this is not the one you ordered. This is the one you should have ordered. LOL. You only live once.

  6. I think that couch is lovely, but wouldn't be good for a nap.

    Hope the one you get is perfect!
