Sunday, September 22, 2013

Busy Busy

not a bad busy
just very busy

truer words...

perfect photo from
this is how Melrose acts
about the chair
Mom likes to rest her leg on...
they do end up sharing
been taking photos
need to figure out how
to get them to the computer...
new couch and ottoman arrived yesterday
they are yummy
especially for sleeping
tomorrow is another busy day
but I take time to stitch
to move

to rest


  1. I am glad to hear that everything is going ok. Taking care of aging parents is a full time job and more. I hope you can sit and do some stitching on your new couch this week.


  2. So glad to hear that you are taking time for yourself with everything else you have on your plate. xo

  3. I feel so behind on all that's been happening. Seems like things have settled down some.

    When I get a bit more done on my "Tree sale" rug will send a picture. So overdue on dyeing, updating my blog, etc, etc!

