Monday, October 14, 2013

Another ER Visit

Grumpy Fish
invented by an 11 year old boy
tired of all the happy faces
on the hospital
games and posters

A boy after my Dad' s heart

We've been in the ER all day
getting meds
and breathing straightened out

doesn't begin to describe
my dear sick Dad...


  1. ohdear...I hope things turn out okay. Thinking of and praying for you. xo

  2. Sometimes life is so overwhelming. I am in a similar position with my mother and feel absolutely ovewhelmed by the responsibilities. I don't know how you have the strength to manage both parents' affairs. There is always so much to do, not to mention the emotional stresses that come with medical issues with those we love. My hat is off to you for all that you have been doing. ... jan

  3. Praying for you and your Mom and Dad during these difficulties, Kelley. Hang in are a blessing to your parents.


  4. I am so sorry that your dad is doing so poorly, and i know how hard it is. I think that fish is funny, humor is the best medicine;)


  5. I'm so sorry hat your dad's still not oing well. Senden warm hugs and prayers to you.

  6. So sorry to hear this Kelley. I hope things are better today. Big hugs and many prayers for you and your parents my friend, Lori

  7. I like the others hope tomorrow will dawn, with your dad feeling better. Grumpy is perfectly understandable if even one of those needles was involved.

    We are finally having cool weather! Something that probably makes me happier than you.

    My challenge rug is huge but coming along. I think I can send you a pic of it soon. Hugs, dear heart!
