Monday, October 21, 2013

Another Monday in the ER

maybe this visit will make a difference
we're in the hospital
where I work...
started out at the Wound Care Center
( across the hall from ER)
infectious disease Dr says he needs admitted
I've been wanting that for a week
for now he is sleeping peacefully
waiting to go upstairs
to his room...

I feel good that he is here
trusting the people I know to care for him

Mom had a visit with the ortho surgeon today
he should be impressed with her
she walks all over with her walker
at home she lets go of it
taking a few steps on her own

thanks for the wonderful comments
and emails
your thoughts and prayers are
very appreciated


  1. Happy to hear he is there too, still keeping Dad in my prayers, Big Hugs Francine.

  2. Things are lookin' up! I pray they continue in that direction! hugs...

  3. I am so glad that he got admitted and now will get the care he needs and you know your friends are watching over him. Good for your mom too, she is getting stronger and not giving up.


  4. I am so sorry for all your dad has gone through, sounds like he is finally going to get the care he deserves. Blessings... Just love your header photo, perfect for this time of year...

  5. hope all goes well with them both!

  6. Wonderful news Kelley! I'm glad your dad is where you are most comfortable having him and your mom is getting around so well. Prayers & big squishy hugs my friend. Lori

  7. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. Glad your Dad is getting the care he needs and your Mom is doing so well.
    You have been in my thoughts and prayers even though I don't comment much. I have done what you are doing and know it is a full time commitment. You are doing an awesome job, Kelley!!! Stay positive always!

  9. You have gone through so much, since my last visit...

    My prayers for you and your parents continued a,though my visits didn't...

