Tuesday, October 8, 2013


sorting is a good activity
for Alzheimer patients
lucky us with our stash of fabric and thread

Mom had a bad day today
she's been more agitated lately
hoping with only one visit by
physical therapy
tomorrow it will be better

looks like my Valdani threads need organizing
if it gets to be desperate times
I'll cut a million strips of wool
mix them up


Am very frustrated by my inability
to move my photos 
from phone to PC...even with the right gizmo

could be lack of concentration
on my part...
the cats have been posing for some great pics

yesterday I picked up 100 pounds of bird food
12 assorted suet blocks
heavy on the peanuts
now if only the lawn guys
would get the feeder up


  1. When my mom was in the nursing facility, they had baby clothes that were given to the patients to fold each day.

    I have problems with my phone to PC transfers too. When I connect my phone to the PC, if there isn't an internet connection, it won't work. Maybe check that with your phone.


  2. Kelley Girl...I use Google+. It's an app on my phone and when I take photos, they automatically transfer to my computer where I can edit them and sort them into albums and share them, etc.


  3. I know it's a ruff time. Lost Mom to Alzheimer's a year ago last May. A type called Lewy Body. It is Alzheimer's on speed. But a blessing really. She pasted in less than a year after being diagnosed. You can't keep up and do it all and stay healthy yourself. And you need to be for your parents and your self too. It is wonderful to have such hobbies to do while you stay with them. It is what keeps you sane. God bless ;-)

  4. Sorting is what I need to do, but when I do, it just makes a larger mess most times. :)
