Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday 12 October

Dad has not been well this week
problems with blood thinner
shortness of breath
he's been on IV fluids
and now oxygen
we had to go for a wound care appointment
because his heel
(that was nearly 100% healed 6 weeks ago)
has suddenly gotten bad
while there he had to answer a few questions
with answers that made my blood
run cold then hot
questions about neglect
feeling abused
(mentally, verbally)
immediate action by the wound care staff
calls to/from Dad's facility
names, descriptions
the supervisory staff
is taking it very seriously
one of the aides in question
has not been seen by me since

his new wheelchair arrived Thursday
it's very comfortable for him
that was all I wanted...
morning I was rear ended on the way home
from visiting him
not a bad a stop sign
just enough to give me
a stiff neck
not enough to need to see the ER
for x rays
enough to keep me home from work for two days
working out the stiffness
of course
did not tell the folks
no sense worrying them
the car has minor damage
so didn't bother with police
"ain't nobody got time for that"
I did get a photo of the car and license
as well as driver in his
Jimmy John's uniform
in a hurry to deliver sandwiches

after visiting Dad this afternoon
Mom and I stopped for lunch
at a small family owned spot
spaghetti and meatballs
her favorite
her first time
out to eat
since breaking her hip!
she got a perm and set yesterday
so no longer feels like she has witch hair
then we went for a little ride in the country
stopped for ice cream
she had a great time
watching two little girls
we didn't see many pumpkins on our ride
just enough to know it's fall
the sky is a perfect blue
leaves barely changing color


  1. It doesn't sound like you had a good week, like you need more stress. I had someone rear end me and still paying for it, a stiff neck can come back to haunt you, so be safe and have it checked out.


  2. Kelley,
    It sure is a boat load to deal with... and then the accident on top of it! I hope things start to look up a little! Your Mom sounds like she is doing great and getting her hair done I'm sure makes her feel even better!
    You should get a massage for that stiffness.... or at least soak in a nice warm bath...
    Hugs and prayers for your Dad too Kelley!!
    Cathy G

  3. I am so sorry it is a heavy load you are carrying. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  4. Hugs to you... it's all too much for one person...

  5. The ride with mom, dinner out, and ice cream...

    Disappearance of someone who needed to be gone. And being rear ended, sigh... Hope you're feeling better.

    I think we may make Carmel apples this week, just a few. Livvie loves apples of all kinds. One big bite after another. Not sure whether she will like Carmel apples at all... Tee hee
