Tuesday, October 29, 2013

She's Stitching!

 a favorite Cheri pattern

the other day some new fabric arrived in the mail...
Mom loved one of the pieces
telling me it's a perfect background
for applique

when have I heard that before?

I put the fabric in for a quick wash
then headed for my pattern collection
I knew one of my many (many)
Cheri patterns would catch her eye

my job is to do everything but stitch
even then I may be doing some triangles

so far we've almost pieced up the background
for the crow and flower section
applique as soon as tomorrow


We totally need the distraction
Dad is not doing well
he's back at the nursing facility
with the addition of Hospice care
I visit daily as always
it gets harder to leave him
especially when he's sleeping or in pain
who am  I kidding
it's always hard

Mom was more "there"
so it upset her a lot to leave him

some days her Alzheimer's is a blessing


  1. i love that Cheri pattern Kelley! So good to hear your Mom is going to do some stitching! So comforting for you both. Continuing prayers for your sweet Dad.
    Cathy G

  2. oh Kelley Girl...I am so happy to read about your Mom doing some stitching! But, sad about your Dad. Daily prayers are being sent up for you. xo

  3. That is a fun piece and good to see her wanting to stitch, good for both of you. Yes, sometimes forgetting things can be a blessing, but sad that your dad is doing so poorly.


  4. Sorry about your dad. Tis a good thing you and mom are working on an applique together. It is a distraction you both need at this time yet brings you both closer.


  5. always in our thoughts ~ handwork is soothing for the soul & mind.

  6. Love that pattern too! So glad your mom is in the mood for a little stitching. So sorry to hear the news about your dad. Keeping you in my prayers. Love & hugs, Lori

  7. My heart breaks for you and your family.

  8. it warms my heart to give your mom a bit of stitching joy.....

  9. Hospice should be a great help to you during this difficult time.
