Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Cats and Comfort

can usually be found
in near the front window
watching the birds
or napping
a constant delight for Mom
he often follows her around
either getting in the way
or keeping an eye on her
flopping down
beside her when she stops moving
is usually found next to me
when she's not sleeping
often she is at the other end of this couch
looking out the window at the birds
or keeping an eye on Mom
they have been wonderful companions this week
Melrose makes up to everyone
Olivia at least stays in the room with us
Mom is having a hard time
remembering where Dad is...
a few times a day she asks where he is
sometimes it's like she's hearing it for the first time
other times she's okay with it
we've been going through photos
sharing our memories
keeping busy
Thank you for you expressions
of love and sympathy
they are most appreciated 


  1. Kelley Girl...so glad the cats are of comfort to you. Hugs for your Mom. xo

  2. {{{{{{ hugs to you your kitties & your mom }}}}}}

  3. Sometimes I think the loss of memory is a gift ~ your mom only suffers momentarily ~ but you remember all the time that your dad is gone. Prayers to you ~ you're definitely a role model for caregiving! Hope this snowy day brings peace to you.

  4. Cats seem to know when we need them, they do comfort us, just being there. I can't believe how big they both got, seems they grew since I last saw them and Melrose has gotten a nice thick growth on him.

    I hope the passing of time will ease the pain in your hearts.


  5. Praying that God comforts you and your family. (((Hugs))) to everyone and the kitties also.

  6. Oh Kelley, so so hard on you and your Mom, praying for you both.......what sweet kitty's you have, cats are a wonderful comfort, Blessings Francine.

  7. Aren't feline companions just the best? Not to dis the canine variety either. Animals just know when we need them. Glad they are there for you and your mom. Mary A
