Thursday, November 28, 2013

Giving Thanks

over the years
I have been very thankful
to come from a family of readers
reading to learn
to laugh
to heal
to relax
to escape...
the written word
has brought much to my life
I've been reading everything
I can about Alzheimer's
my "go to" place is the
founded by Bob DeMarco
this site is wealth of information
from the articles to the comments
I have learned
how to better communicate with Mom
how to be a better
a better person
We had a very nice Thanksgiving today
brunch with my sister and her husband
here at home
they cooked and brought over most of the food
a real treat for both of us
all I did was fried potatoes...
even better is leftovers for lunch tomorrow
you know cooking is not my thing
Mom and I spent the rest of the day stitching
watching peaceful TV shows
The National Dog Show
Andy Griffith
American Pickers
Pawn Stars
yesterday Melrose and I had a contest
to see who could nap the most
he won...he does have more time to practice
Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving night...
sweet dreams


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful day and nice to be able to have a meal without all the cooking so you and your mom could relax. I got some stitching in, but then my machine went wonky, so I need to open up my new one and try it out, now you know why I got it, will alleviate a lot of frustration when I am pushing projects;)


  2. When you were watching the dog show, did you see the two segments on the girl who is losing her sight and her sweet dog, Chloe? She is from our town and we built her parents home. She is an inspiration!! Glad you had a good day and that things are leveling out!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and mom!
    Hugs :)

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Mom, Kelley! Fried potatoes and some of my favorite TV shows... sounds like a great day! How did Melrose and Olivia do with the sounds coming from the dog show? lol!

  5. Happy that you and your Mom are finding much deserved peaceful and enjoyable moments after all you both have been through. I want to let you know how much you have helped me today in linking "Alzheimer's Reading Room". I, as you, have been the only caregiver for my mother and MIL who are both in nursing homes. Your link has given me much needed information I've been searching for regarding the various types of dementia. Thank you for this Kelley and sending positive wishes that you and your Mom enjoy many happy memories on this challenging journey. It is a 'hard journey' to travel but you have made mine less difficult through your sharing on your blog.

  6. A good day for you and your Mom. Happy you are finding time to read and relax and stitch. xo
