Monday, November 18, 2013

Settling In

Mom and I are settling in
to new routines...
I get patches ready for her to stitch
and she works on them
My not having to leave the house
in the morning has helped her
have less anxiety
she has therapy today
always tries to get out of going
but the promise of
lunch out
helped change her mind



  1. Love that hooked rug, and the comic strip!!!
    (sounds like me talking to my babies) ~ hoping you both have a great day & wonderful lunch!

  2. .... Ditto what Lori said!

    You're a very good daughter and hope you are able to find some comfort times for you too. I've been in the parental care mode but my mother didn't have the same issues as yours. But bless you for standing by both your parents.

    One day I'd like to look forward to all who wish to join, to do a primitive hooking challenge.

    So Kelley, on your time free think about your favorite vintage adaptation you'd like for all of us to hook. I'm game and it will give you something to plan for and divert your attention to something fun.


  3. Love the rug in this and the last post!
    I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are the best daughter!!!
    Hugs :)

  4. Love the rugs & funnies!

    It is nice to hear you & your Mom are working into a routine. I hope things just get easier and easier for you.

    Hey, I wanted to tell you... my Mom is working on that quilt top you gave me a few years back. It is one your Mom made with beautiful triangles. I can't wait to see it done... and I will share a picture or many so you can see it. :-)

  5. I love that rug, It is hard to be the care giver thinking of you.
