Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Slowest Stitching

between Mom and I
the plans are many
stitches are few

my free time is mostly limited
to napping on the couch 
before work

we're ready to applique tomorrow
just waiting on me 
to press her patchwork
then get the pieces ready
for applique

I know I am doing all I can
but feel guilty for not doing more...


  1. Kelley Girl. You are only one person and you are carrying a huge load. Take it easy on yourself. xo

  2. I know it's hard not to, but don't beat yourself up. There is only so much one person can do.
    Love the kitty pics in your last post.
    Hugs :)

  3. I cannot see how you could do any more and no reason to feel that way, you go above and beyond to help your parents and that is a lot to be proud of.


  4. Caretaker Rule #1: Love yourself, be good to yourself. Kelly, you have to take care of the caretaker! If not, what will your parents do without you??? Mary A

  5. All you can do is all you can do. You sound amazing to me.

    Love your header picture, btw.

  6. Blessings to you as you care for your parents. Try to not feel bad about taking care of yourself. I had talked to one of our pastors about something similar in my life and he gave me this analogy--When you're flying and the oxygen mask drops down they tell you to put yours on first so you can help others. That was helpful for me to hear. ~Roberta

  7. Stitching can be good therapy, but only when you can do it emotionally. Hang in there. ((hugs)) to you and your family.

  8. I don't believe there are enough hours in anyone's days to give more......enjoy your naps.....I'm sure your parents appreciate all you do xoxo

  9. You are a wonderful daughter, so many would never attempt most of what you are doing. You are important, you are doing the best you can. God Bless You, hugs, and nap when you can!
