Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013



rock bottom close at hand
taking a blog break


  1. Thoughts and prayers continue for you, Kelley Girl! xo

  2. You and your Mom are in my thoughts & prayers Kelley.......take care of yourself.

  3. we will be here when you return ~
    take some time to heal, to remember, to laugh ~
    hug your mom as much as you can for all of us and remember that she loves you so very much.

  4. Inhale.......exhale. Daydream of fun things you have waiting to enjoy. And as Lori said, we will be here when you return.


  5. Take all the time you need and find at least one thing a day to bring a smile to your life. Maybe it's a kitty's purr, sorting wool, good chocolate, ect but do something to help you cope.
    Thoughts and prayers for your family.

  6. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Here is hoping 2014 brings you many joys.

    Happy New Year

  7. Kelley you take care of yourself and know you are loved and in my thoughts and prayers. Sure wished I lived closer to give you a hand. Keep the hope alive that better days are ahead!
    Bless you dear friend!
    Cathy G

  8. I suspect that what you feel is an excruciating emotional fatigue and pervasive sadness. I too am there, with sadness at watching my mother's declining health. The sadness is impossible to shake. You want to do everything you can, yet at the same time you want to just run away as fast as you can. I admire your steadfastness, which is greater than mine. Wishing you and your mother only the best. ...jan

  9. God Bless you and your mom, Kelley. Taking a break from blogging will be good, but remember, you are always in our thoughts and prayers.

  10. Thinking of you and sending Prayers..

  11. Take care of yourself. Wishing you comfort and strength in this difficult time. Your blogging friends will be here when you come back.

  12. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers! Big hugs! Blessings,Jen

  13. Keeping you and mom in my thoughts and prayers.
    Sending big hugs,

  14. I hope things get better in the new year and you can find a solution that works for both you and your mom.


  15. Will be thinking of you. Wishing you both peace in the coming year.

  16. Kelley,
    Wishing you and your mom peace in the new year and an abundance of love. Continued prayers for both of you. Love, Lori

  17. Thinking of you and your mom and keeping you in my prayers. Big hugs for you both.

  18. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

  19. Kelley my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom!! Hope you can find that inner strength that is needed and know that you have many friends waiting for your return!

  20. Continually thinking of you and your mother and the difficult time you have been and continue to go through. Prayers continuing to go up.

  21. Hello Kelley, I just visited re SFT blog about walking dogs - I found mine at the local dogs home where you will find you can get lots of walks in one day! I don't do it regularly now as it is a little emotional. I'm sorry you are going into the New Year with such negative energy around you, being new here I don't know the full story but blessings to you and may be find peace in 2014 - Betty

  22. Hi Kelley ~ just read your post and know that we're all out here to bolster your spirits and hold you up! You can make it through this ~ you know you are a wonderful daughter and you'll never regret all the care and attention you're giving to your mama. Peace to you ~

  23. Dear Sweet Kelley, I hope you are working yourself through the forest of frustration and finding a LIGHT of hope and dreams.

    Like I said before.... daydream. Look thru that fog and squint your eyes to see what is ahead. I'm sure you see it girl.



  24. This is a dreary time of year, with storms, one on top of another. While you take your break from blogging, remember to dress warmly, eat as well as you can, hang in there.

    slush whether weather or emotional will eventually be gone, and the sun will shine brightly!

  25. Kelley, I can completely understand your feelings right now. The stress, fear and exhaustion are overwhelming. Take care of yourself and know you have friends who are with you in spirit.

  26. Still thinking about your last post. Our weather has improved, and I hope yours has too. Soon, little signs of spring may lighten your heart. Don't forget to watch for days growing longer, slushy days, and fluffy cardinals. Prayers continue! <3

  27. Dear Kelly,
    Me and mom was out off blogging for long time, we are not sure what was happen . We are apology not to be a good friend.
    My mom was struggling in 2013 too. Lose her grandma who brought her up, and her uncle. Someone tried to put mom to court...someone lie to mom's boss to get her to the trouble for something she didn't do...lots of things.and Blar...Blar....Blar...non-stop

    2014 come, and me hope this year will be good year for YOU and my mom. And I guess you need my fury hug ; )

    (((( HUG)))))
    And lots of love from me

    Puddy boy
