Friday, February 21, 2014

Hooking and A Touch of Spring

first off mom is mad as can be at me
because I won't bring her home
 tough while it's happening
she keeps wanting to call her mother
I know she is looking for a
time of comfort and feeling safe...

been looking for a wreath or decoration
for her
I am not very clever
when it comes to crafting a wreath

love this one
perfect for me...
Mom needs more color
I've been hooking on a scrappy piece
using up strips already cut
before adding more
mostly neutrals, red and green
three very simple red birds so far
will take a photo tomorrow...
too dark now
it's alright...nothing great
but at least I'm hooking
Melrose has especially loved helping
he parked himself next to me
on the couch
grabbing for each strip of wool I chose...
Olivia a few feet away
on the back of the couch
giving us the death glare
How DARE I play with Melrose...


  1. sorry things are difficult for you both, hugs
    the wreaths are very pretty, I tend to like simple ones, and I love birds!

  2. Just stay strong and know that she will settle into the routine really soon. Just remember that it's truly what is best for her in the long run.

  3. Evening, she will settle in I am sure, will just take time......Love the wreaths, so cheerful and pretty, Blessings Francine.

  4. It IS difficult for us adult kids to then become guardians to our parents. I went thru it also and it breaks our hearts doing what we KNOW is best to keep them safe.

    HUGE HUGS Kelley girl. And try to hook, stitch, knit or whatever gives you that 'time in space away'.


  5. A wreath is a nice idea, joanns has some cute ones that would work for your mom and you can use a coupon or they are on sale anyways. It is hard when she gets her mind set on something, but hopefully you can get her on another subject quickly;)


  6. I am in love with the fern wreath with the sweet little nest ! Hopefully a beautiful wreath will make your mom feel more at home.

  7. I love the one with the bunnies and pussy willows & big burlap bow. I think it will cheer your Mom & may help a bit. It is almost always a sticky situation when they go there. I'm sorry it has been hard for you. I agree with the others... Keep on Hooking:)

  8. So difficult. My cousin is going through the same thing after moving her sister to a better facility.

  9. I made a cute one several years ago on a barbed wire wreath. Obviously that won't work, bit a thin grapevine wreath might be okay. Just tied thin strips of fabric and left short tag ends about 1 inch to inch and 1/2. You might take the wreath some strips 1 1/2 wide to as long as the scrap is. Cut up a large variety of fabrics you know she'd like. Tie at least 3 or 4 spots or more around twigs on wreath. Keep tying until it looks just right. Trim as you go...
