Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mom and her Puzzles

Every day I give thanks
for Mom loving to do puzzles
(behind her is her roommates area
Mom's side is full of quilts
photos and all things colorful)

Woman on a mission
Last night I spent a few hours online
looking for puzzles with less than 60 pieces
ended up ordering about ten...

these two surprising me again
hanging out together...
after careening around like maniacs
chasing back and forth
minimal hissing and smacking


  1. we have a huge puzzle on the dining room table for when Charlie makes his event every sunday for supper.
    He enjoys them and can literally spend HOURS doing them (he's 83) ~ Hope your sweet Momma enjoys every one you bought for her Kelleygirl!

  2. I was wondering what type of room your mom had, nice to be able to decorate it so she feels more at home there. We have a store that sells puzzles and things like that, so will check next time I go there.


  3. Sweet pictures of mom! How lucky she is to have you looking out for her. So many of the elderly have no one to care for/about them. So sad.
    Hugs :)

  4. I'm so glad that your mom is enjoying puzzles and that you were able to get her some more. Great pics!

  5. So nice to hear your Mom has a colourful area to comfort her .. puzzles are a great past time to enjoy and it so nice that you are close enough to be able to be with her. I see too many elderly neglected and have no one that visits them.

  6. Your lovely mom doing puzzles. I'll keep my eyes open too. Wonderful because they can be built and rebuilds. Hugs!

  7. I love to do jigsaw puzzles. Sometimes I do the online jigsaw puzzles on Needleprint. There is one a month.
