Saturday, February 15, 2014

Random Thoughts

one of my coworkers
surprised her boyfriend with 2 kittens
for Valentine's Day
she's not sure she'll like pets in the house
(crazy girl)
but he was over the moon happy
she found the two little sisters
at the local animal shelter
we had a student with us last night
her boyfriend brought her a
box of chocolate covered strawberries
along with a special dinner
wonderful girl that she is she shared
it was the biggest and best strawberry
changing my diet to get healthier
I passed up all the doughnuts
in our break room
the boxes of candy in ER
the white chocolate macadamia cookies too!
for my wonderful celery sticks with peanut butter
I am not a fan of vegetables
that's no secret
so one a day is my current goal
don't know if I'll ever get to two a day
some days salsa is all I can manage
makes eating healthy a real challenge
two days off
lots of paperwork to catch up on
will hang out with Mom all afternoon
maybe get some stitching in
maybe just do puzzles, play bingo and socialize
with anyone we can find
there are ladies from the Assisted Living side
of the facility
who ask her to move in
if only that were an option...
no matter what
we make the best of each day


  1. Good for you, I have no self control, but food like that makes me sick and crazy, so easy not to eat, lol. I love celery sticks with fillings, can't have that either, but i do love veggies. My new thing is pears, eating one a day, so helps keep the digestion moving.

    We seem to be affected by the storms, slow browsing and i can't get my mail. The snow is coming down now, but we got out this morning, so some good movies, good food and I can relax and doodle or sew since I got everything done yesterday.


  2. Wow!!! You have great that they saved to kitty's, sweet....Blessings Francine.

  3. Loved hearing about the various types of valentine gifts. My fav was of course, the two sister kats. If you are returning to good food, it can be a bit of a tussle, but your body will respond with strength and energy! Hugs!
