Thursday, May 15, 2014

Games and Flooring

A few new games
arriving today for Mom
I think they will be like putting together a quilt
 even the bright colors will add interest
we can laugh about the colors
being too too much for quilts
I'm having my usual dither
when choosing flooring for the bathroom
it's going to be tile
but overnight reconsidered color...
For the kitchen I'm torn between
ceramic tile and laminate
yesterday I was sure about ceramic
today I'm leaning towards laminate
cost and installation
at least I'm sure of the color
the surveyors were here yesterday
to replat the property
from two lots to one
have to go through zoning
other hoops to get it done
once that is done
(maybe a couple of months)
I can get the title search completed
next get the house appraised by the
credit union
finally purchase the house
then get Mom on Medicaid
this is all taking so long
in the mean time I can save for
a larger down payment...
at least this is just phone calls and waiting
I've been making 15 minutes a day
for myself
weeding or raking
puttering in the garage
it's all very relaxing
except for the cats
who complain through the window screens...


  1. I hate waiting for things to happen...but at least you know they are happening. I love those games! And...really? Too bright? LOL Glad you're taking time for you...whatever you do with long as it is relaxing and makes you happy. xo

  2. OMG woman; you need to have your battery charged for more than 15 minutes. Sounds like you need at least a full body massage. But if not that even the foot/leg massage will make you babble and drool like a baby. I think you need one.


  3. Great idea. Hope you can double that to 30 minutes eventually. What perfect games for a quilt lover.

  4. Those looks like great games and puzzles for an activity. I always liked playing with tangrams, those are fun too. If it is the kitchen, I would go with laminate, was a lot easier to put in and really looks nice with our new cabinets.


  5. glad to hear you taking some time for yourself ~ BUT ~ you should be multiplying those 15 mins. by at least 4 :)

  6. As you know well, kitties are da boss !
    They have the right to tell you to do the job...

  7. hope you get ll things squared away on the house, hope she really enjoys those colors! great getting a few minutes of "just you" time, hugs on the journey! blessings and peace to you both!
