Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Wishing all my friends a happy day!
last night after dinner
Mom was looking out at the birds...

waiting for the aides
to help her to bed
we saw plenty of birds
gold finches, cowbirds, a rose breasted grosbeak
wrens, doves and more
best of all was a rabbit
enjoying the bounty under the feeders
we ate dinner in the dining room
with her friends
she doesn't say much
just listens to their stories
when we leave she always thanks them
for their good company
after Mom was in bed, ready to drift off
she said how
 nice it was to have me there
"for once"
oh Mom,
if she only knew


  1. You are a magnificent daughter and I wish you a happy day filled with guilty pleasures. Treat yourself kindly.


  2. That is so funny and sad that she loses the memories of your days together. It sounds like you had a nice day though and lots of birds that she can enjoy.


  3. How heart-breaking to begin losing your mom because of her loss of memory. You are such a good daughter....

  4. Kelley,
    Inside she knows she's the luckiest mom ever to have you for a daughter.
    Happy Mother's Day to you both.
    Hugs :)

  5. You are a good girl, I'thankful you both had the day together. Let none of the hard things pierce your heart, just remember that you are doing the very best you can for her, and that she is loved, boundlessly. She may not remember all you do but when it is all said and done, you will know that you did your best, and no one can ask more than that. I know some of what you are going through, having been down that long journey myself. hugs, and remember how much the love lives on even when your heart seems to be shattered, it lives! No amount of forgetfulness can kill that kind of love.

  6. We all know how well you have cared for your mom. You have been by her side "for once and always." Treat yourself kindly, Kelley.
