Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Day in This Life

this gal sure loves her popcorn

kettle corn is part of her daily diet
not a lot
just enough to eat and drop on the floor
(peony is from her yard
the plant from her Mother's yard)
I spent about eight hours with her yesterday
we both had a good afternoon nap
up for dinner and a nice walk outside
she was in bed asleep at 7
(about a minute after her head hit the pillow)
afterwards I did a quick grocery run
then collapsed at home
today one of the girls with sit with her
so there may be some hooking this afternoon
deciding to go with a
purchased pattern for now
first that pile of dust on the cutters
needs cleared away...
this morning I worked on
cleaning an area in the sewing room for the cutting
baby steps


  1. Love that kitty rug, reminds me of how mine look when one takes over the food dish. Good to see your mom enjoying herself and glad you have someone to help out today, I hope you take some time for yourself.


  2. Baby steps will get you there eventually. Have fun hooking!!! xo

  3. I am glad she enjoys kettle corn. I really hate it. Not sure why because I am not picky about anything. I have tried it several times and at a local fair there is a guy who makes it fresh and I still didn't like it oh well enough of that.
    I love your rug in the header.
    I hope you get some time to relax and enjoy hooking.

  4. Sweet pics of mom.
    Happy to hear you will have a few minutes (hopefully more!) to hook. Please share what you are working on.
    Hugs :)
