Monday, June 30, 2014

Prayers for Mom

Mom can't get over seeing Melrose
he's in his carrier
on the bed

Petting Melrose
so very happy

they both enjoy
checking out the birds
Judy and Mom

Deb calls to
talk about the Melrose visit
it was a great morning
this morning Mom went to ER
for some testing about her breathing
and sleepiness...
we are hoping it's just a reaction
to new meds started Friday
(and quickly ended the next morning)
I'm just back for a shower and clean clothes
while my sister stays with Mom
lots of test underway
we can all use your prayers today...


  1. Your mom is definitely in my prayers today and every day. I do hope it is just the meds, so hard when you have to rely on meds that can make things worse.


  2. Prayers being sent... darn medications... hope that is the problem and things go better dear friend!
    Cathy G

  3. Will do. Please keep us posted.

  4. Prayers are out for your mother, you and your sis. Hopefully a change in the meds will help. Love your hooked piece on your mom's wall. I'm sure you did it especially for her or gave it to her because it was her fav.

