Monday, July 7, 2014

As Good As It Gets

we need one of these!
Yesterday was a keeper
shorthand version to nudge my memory in the future:
complete prep of bedroom walls
sort a bag of fabric by colors
talk about making quilts
Bob Evans for lunch with Mom
homemade brownies for her and staff
she's okay with me going home for a few hours
it's going to rain
trim hedges and bushes
look over and see Melrose hanging on the screen
I just put in the door this morning
have to go get him down
light rain
clean up
weed beside garage...lots of chippy paint
mostly at the roofline around the house
use up some of her stash of Round Up on weeds
back to see Mom
happy so happy to see me
she's bored and restless
edited to add

Mom's blankets needed a wash today
so I got the dark olive
one out of the closet
she had forgotten about it and thought it was an Army blanket
so excited to help me put it on the bed
coffee and ice cream watching TV in common area
she picks the chocolate
watching PBS cooking show
decide it's too much work to make
butterscotch pudding from scratch
back in her room we watch the birds
then two chipmunks show up
entertaining us with their antics on the bird feeders
they fill up and zoom away
downy wood pecker and cardinal are rarities
a rabbit munching under the feeder
Mom sees me with my foot on the bed
so she turns her wheelchair to face the bed
puts both her feet up
watching the birds
I look over to see her
looking like the old Mom
the spell is broken when the aide brings
her dinner tray
peanut butter and strawberry jelly on wheat
potato chips and coffee
I go to retrieve banana/orange mix fixed early
some toast
by the time I get back half the sandwich is gone
she's saying she never had PB&J before
I tend to agree
have only seen PB and butter
we reminisce about her making the mix
of banana and oranges with a touch of sugar

edited to add

we gave Deb a call after dinner
she always makes Mom laugh
finally she hands me the phone saying you talk
later she tells the aide
Deb can talk your ear off!
it's only a little after six and she's ready for bed
under her new favorite blanket
by six thirty she's out cold
grab her laundry
stop at grocery store
home again
start a load of laundry
feed the cats
watch an episode of Fringe
check on the cats
Melrose hanging out on footstool moved from bedroom
to rec room...he can see out the door now
Olivia on top of flannel sheets on dryer
under an open window
next to back door with newly placed screen
she loves her fresh air
more Fringe
almost 9:45
check on laundry
fireworks start at nearby park
I can see them over the trees
out the back window
I love fireworks!!!
oh man this is a great spot
watch the whole show
not a perfect day
but I couldn't have asked for as better one
(photo from online...just like the ones by mom)


  1. oh Kelley Girl. If 'as good as it gets' is as good as you get, then I'd say that is pretty darn near to perfect. xo

  2. You got me with mom following her daughter's lead to raise her feet onto the bed.

  3. Some days are just good because they were not bad;)
    I have a problem with my kitties tearing up the door screens and once Moki crashed through one to get to a bird on the porch.


  4. I love this post Kelley. A very busy day, but a great day that will stay with you for a long time.

    Cyndi xoxox

  5. A busy day but a good one ~ glad you can appreciate the high spots!!thats what life is all about!

  6. * drip drip drop little saliva..tee..heh
    Well, I'm a cat ;)
