Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Rag Rug Progress?

this link is a big help
for rag rug beginners
As for Mom and I...
I'm hooked and could spend all my time
weaving these mats
Mom is too agitated to settle
and roll the strips
home home home
is all she talks about
getting herself all worked up
diversions will work for a little while
of course she has UTI again/still
so that makes it worse
thinking of a different diversion for today
I'm running out of ideas!
she is one stubborn gal


  1. Mom's favorite diversions - The Pink Panther or Planes Trains and Automobiles. And of course, food. I would ask about old favorites and what her mom made for her and we would go through recipes for hours. And then eat cake. With icing. And ice cream.

  2. No help here. Sorry. Just dropping in to say 'hey'. xo
