Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ugly Fabric

using up ugly fabric
is one of the best parts of rag rug making
we both wondered
why we ever bought this green and gold plaid
can't wait to get it covered with the weaving

Mom checking out her latest copy of
Reminisce magazine...
I try to bring her something new every day
Yesterday I brought some flat bread pizza
cheese, tomato and spices
it was a big hit!
the day before it was tart lime popsicles
she loves tart and so does Bailey
when I asked her about them she raved
then said I probably wouldn't like them...
pretty sneaky way to keep them for herself
one of the aides (Bailey's mom)
said she told her the same thing
Mom just loves having Bailey there
tells me I can go...


  1. glad things are going well right now! hugs!

  2. Har har har, Kelly I have some of that VERY same stiff fabric in my stash. Dang I should get out my frame and start another rug but I love the feel of the hook in my hand. You keep taunting me enough I'll match your rug with my ugly woven fabric.


  3. Your Mom's a cutie! I'm glad she is enjoying those lime pops cuz I'm sure I wouldn't like them either... nope... ;-) Hugs!

  4. Those fabrics look great in a rug, it is amazing how different things can look when cut up. It is good that your mom has someone she feels comfortable with and good for you to be able to relax, knowing she is happy with others too.

