Sunday, August 3, 2014

Weaving Progress

after lunch mom rolled all the strips I cut
then got the phone book
to look for her Mom's phone number
she can't believe none of us have it!
we just roll with it
some days she knows grandma is in heaven
then five minutes later wants to visit her
very hard to divert her
from wanting to go home and see her Mom
showing off my progress on the mat
I get a lot done when visiting her
she wants one of the other residents
to help her roll the strips
looks like I'll have to cut a bunch tonight
for tomorrow
Off today
I should be doing laundry, painting
but I'm whipped
spent 8 hours with her yesterday
a few this morning
thinking nap
then get up and do chores
that's the plan anyway


  1. There's just not enough hours in the day. Your mom is so blessed to call you daughter.
    Hugs :)

  2. The rag rug is coming along beautifully and a nice way to keep creative while enjoying time with your mom.


  3. Kelley are the daughter everyone hopes for. Loving the rug. xo

  4. I LoVe to read your posts and how you LoVe spending time with your Mom, keeping her active too! You will have wonderful memories. I just LoVe the weaving you are making! Great way to use up fabric. Summer blessings...Marg

  5. My mom suffered dementia for at least 8 yrs. before she passed this May from a physical ailment unrelated to Alzheimer's Disease. My mom sometimes thought she had seen her "mama" or would ask where her parents and only sister were. We would just say nonchalantly--"Oh, they are home" or "they are fine" because they were still with her in a sense in what memories she still had, so we decided to respect that. My sister and I are both members of Memory People - an online support group on Facebook. It was very helpful.
