Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Finding Balance

I have lots of Shaker boxes
none as drop dead gorgeous as these!

no pumpkins for me this year
will just enjoy them as I pass by...

a new nurse today
after lunch she realized she'd missed this
Mom promised 10 minutes
lasted about 5
she hates her breathing treatments!
I'm still struggling with finding balance
trying to make my time with Mom quality
today was wonderful...
spent about 5 hours there
walking outside...checking out foliage and bird feeders
inside for fabric rolling, weaving
just hanging out together peacefully
another walk
trying to get all the fresh air we can
feeling guilty not staying until bed time
 I have to have a few hours for me
on my day off
otherwise I come home and crash
tonight I have been able to sort through some fabric
the piles to get rid of are growing
need to find a local gal or group
that can use a bunch of fabric...scraps and yardage
going through it is bittersweet
knowing how she loved it
loved her applique
knowing she's not stitching anymore


  1. Kelley...I just want you to know I follow your blog and admire you for the love and attention you give to your mother. My Daddy just had a mild stroke at 95 and is going into an assisted living residence and I can only hope to be as good a daughter as you. All my best wishes for your future and hers. In friendship...Susie Delewese

  2. You have nothing to feel guilty about, you spend most of your free time with your mom and always trying to find ways to make her stay enjoyable with decorating her room and activities. She is blessed to have a daughter who cares so much.


  3. Leave the guilt behind....there's no reason for it, and no good in it. Enjoy the time you have with your mom for the life you share together is priceless, bittersweet and fleeting. I'm sending you a big virtual hug tonight!

  4. Kelley, Do what you can and always, always make time for you. You'll be no good to anyone if don't. Your other is very lucky she has you and you are surely lucky to still be able to spend time with her. I know how tiring this can all be.... it seems to take a big 'chunk' out of your life' Hugs Sue

  5. Yup I am agree with all my friends..
    My dear no guilty feeling
    Enjoy and smile and we all sending you big Beary hugs
    Love you
    Say hi to mom xx

  6. Hi Kelley,
    You're a blessing to your Mom there's no doubt about it! Take some time for yourself... guilt free... knowing it's healing and beneficial.
    Sending hugs and prayers for continued strength, especially as you go through all that fabric!!
    Cathy G

  7. Kelley, Thank you for sharing your journey with your Mom. It helps so many. You probably have no idea!

  8. Kelley, it's OK to take time for YOU>Don't be your worst enemy and beat yourself up with guilt. You are amazing looking after your Mum as you do...Remember, putting her at the care facility was to help you too. Don't miss out on your life deserve to put yourself first sometimes and there is no shame in that!

  9. You are doing such a super job with your Mom. She is in a wonderful place, you spend so much time with her. But you are so right, you need to take time for you too. You are better to her because you have been good to yourself!


  10. My friends would stay an hour at the most and some only one day a week. You are devoted, dedicated, and a terrific daughter. I can imagine how other residents wish they received as much attention from their families. But you need attention too.
