Friday, October 10, 2014


it's been one of those weeks at work
Murphy's Law in full swing
am on vacation for a week starting tomorrow
at home my brain can derail all it wants!
I might even have to bake this week
there isn't a good pumpkin muffin to be found around here
or even pumpkin bread...
they are all blah and under baked

a couple more things to try
with all that pumpkin puree I have...
prim perfection
I love shelves behind screens...

more cupboards to love
folks always ask how my house is decorated
this one is a cluttered mess
I've made few changes in Mom's décor
still working on cleaning and clearing out
most of my things are packed away
many sitting exactly where I sat them 16 months ago
in the garage or barn
it's just not a priority right now
during my week off I'll do outdoor fall cleanup
order some new thermal backed drapes
all sorts of boring chores
just what I need right now
I am at peace with life
enjoying each day and whatever it brings
something still very new to me


  1. And you forgot to mention still inspiring others with those great photos! LOVE the cupboards and the pumpkin breads baked to perfection! Enjoy that week off my friend!!
    Cathy G

  2. Sometimes being home and doing mundane things are just what we need to relax and rest and when it is done, it is a nice feeling to know it is done;)


  3. :)
    Such a sweet post
    Happy fall hugs x

  4. It's predicted to be warm and sunny. I hope whatever the weather, you have an enjoyable week.

  5. Being at peace is a good thing!! Enjoy your week!!

  6. So happy to hear you are enjoying each day.
    Enjoy your time off!
    Hugs :)

  7. I love the cupboards! the out of order sticker could have been used by me this week work was a zoo! But sadly I have to go back Monday
