Friday, September 23, 2022

Crows in Loops and Stitches

finally a rug off the frame
I started this one in late June I think
darn cross stitch got in the way

26 x 12
pattern available on Dorr linen
$50 shipped

a few mistakes 
led to fudging and I love it!
I stitch 1 over 2 on 32 count
makes for an older look I think

design by Homespun Elegance
October Crow House


Hope everyone is having a good week.
It went from hot
to unseasonably cool here. I'm fine with that. 

This morning I picked up a carload of containers
from my friend Bea's house
it's almost empty
her son was there to pack the car
He's in his mid 70s
He'd rather be golfing 

Bea's house is almost empty
soon to be for sale

Right now, she is in the hospital
went in yesterday with weakness and heart issues
she's 98 
 ready to join her husband
emptying her house of treasures
has really broken her heart

I'll pop in and see her tomorrow


  1. LOVE your new design. Unseasonably cold here today too and immediately over night.
    Emptying house of treasures is something which needs attention too and the thought is just overwhelming. Hopefully, like Bea, I'll have another 18 years before I have to do that

  2. Love your new hooking pattern... ~Robin~

  3. Love that rug I have a huge witch rug to start soon.
    I need to get back to stitching but know I can't do cross stitch my eyes are just not good enough
