Wednesday, March 26, 2008

She's Lost Without Chester

Little Olivia has been looking around all day for her Chester...

he's at the vet's again and

we're hoping he can come tomorrow...

The vet is thinking maybe antibiotics were too strong...

he says Chester is a mystery fella...

impacted and diarrhea...


that explains it taking an hour for me to find him

and get him into the carrier...

Right now Olivia is putting up with my coughing fits

while sleeping on my right foot...

I'm thinking of a second job
to pay vet bills...


primitivebettys said...

That really stinks! I feel bad for all three of you. Hopefully he will feel better soon ~ so you can all get back to normal.


Anonymous said...

Oh Kelley I hope you are all better soon. Our family is fighting things as well, except my animals are dogs. Medical bills are the worst.

Jacque. said...

Hey Kelley...keeping Chester in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know how he's doing. That little Olivia...what a cutie! Hope you're feeling better, yourself!