Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Kitty in Need

this little girl needs some help...

after all of Chester's issues
I sure know what it's like
to have a sick kitty
that needs a major surgery...

read about Misty here:

there had been some money
in my Paypal account
intended for a few
comes of floss

looks like I'll be making do for a while
with the colors on hand

1 comment:

JoJo said...

What a beautiful girl, Kelley. I wish I had some extra money to help her owner with her surgery but we just paid Cinnamon's bill for his pneumonia and then his euthanasia.....$695. And right after Christmas to boot. It's kind of ironic though to find this kitty on your blog. Cinnamon had megacolon that we were managing with Lactulose. In fact, we still had one new bottle (unopened) of Lactulose when he died. We donated it to our vet's office so they could give it to someone who's pet needs it and perhaps can't afford it.

I hope Misty does well with her surgery.