Tuesday, August 12, 2014


required more than a cat nap
I was so exhausted...

yesterday was puppy napping
when you just crash where you are

I'm sure there was drooling involved

lots of shut eye
but no beach
nearly 24 hours worth
you know it's bad
when I don't even visit mom
Today is off to a better start
too bad there is so much catching up to do


Jacque. said...

You poor thing...you must have been exhausted. Off to a fresh start this a.m. sounds good. xo

Kim said...

We all have days like that. I like to think I'm the engengizer bunny and can keep going but eventually the crash comes. Good for you for taking a restful day to recharge

Rugs and Pugs said...

Hope today your batteries are recharged!
Sweet pics :)

Rugs and Pugs said...

Hope today your batteries are recharged!
Sweet pics :)

Rugs and Pugs said...

Hope today your batteries are recharged!
Sweet pics :)

WoolenSails said...

Sometimes we need a down day to catch up on sleep and rest, so glad you were able to. I decided not to try and catch up but do a bit each day and it will get down eventually.
