Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Small Goal

antique little quilt
my goal this week is to create one of my own
at least the patchwork part
no promises on the quilting

going for very simple this week

another photo found on Pinterest
katie swim bike quilt

this is on my to-do list too
I already have the nine patch ready!

for rug hooking I've been thinking houses...

lots of houses...

# # # # #

thanks for all your kind words and thoughts
regarding my parents...
you know I see so many patients
at work with no one 

Dad is doing better today
still more confused than usual
happy to have him in the hospital 
getting plenty of attention


  1. Hooray ! For your daddy ! But MOL...he like a cat..need a lots of attention : )
    Sending purrs to your dad to get to 100% so soon

  2. A good goal to make something prim and fun and not stress yourself out. I like the house piece, love looking at old appliques to get ideas for new mini quilts.


  3. my husband & I are both enjoying the kitty photos! love the little quilts!
