Saturday, March 23, 2013

would love to reproduce this in prints

liking the "big print" border

not sure if I've shared this one before...
love the stripes and plaids

cracks me up!

* * * * *

Still spending my time on the crazy train...
barely got home last night and Mom called
to say Dad was on his way to the ER

I got there about 2 minutes after the ambulance...
spent about 4 hours there 
until they were taking him to a room

nothing serious
but maybe
just maybe
we can get him to 
a skilled nursing facility now...

I'm only awake now to take my meds
wish me a few more hours of sleep
so I'll be alert at work tonight

Always something...
am very grateful for the wonderful ER staff
they treated Dad like a king!


  1. Beautiful quilts...I think the dark one is my favorite. You are a blessing to your parents...proof that they were successful parents! Hope things ease up for you a bit very soon.
    I need to sign that shirt!

  2. Oh Kelley,
    You are really getting a workout there! So glad your Dad is getting good treatment. Hope things settle down soon and you get your needed rest!
    THANK-YOU too for the order! Means I must'v come up with something good!!!
    Cathy G

  3. Oh Kelley, you are on a rollercoaster... Hope things work out for you to get Dad the proper care he needs.... Get sleep...feel better !!

  4. So sorry to hear you have been thru so much lately Kelley girl. I hope you can get some rest as it sounds like your dad is in good hands. Big hugs, Lori

  5. Hope you were able to catch a few ZZZZZ's. Take care of yourself so you can help take care of the folks.
    Hugs :)

  6. Did you put one of those bluebirds in your pocket?? If not, maybe now is the time. Best of luck for a quiet weekend.

  7. loving that little green quilt with striped spring-y.
    keeping you & your fam in my thoughts, kelleygirl.

  8. I tend to go with the simpler looks but I do love the antique piece.

    I hope things settle down and they can get some help for your dad and you can get some rest for you.


  9. Love the quilts!Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.Hugs,Jen

  10. Sorry to read that you missed some of your rest last night. Your parents are blessed that you are so near, and they are so dear to you.

    Hopefully, your dad will go along with whatever plan is best for all, but giving up independence is the hardest thing of all.

    Prayers for all of you. Jonut
