Thursday, March 21, 2013

Rest and Recovery

easy hollyhocks for us non gardening types...

my plans for this week all went awry
the folks had a bad weekend
so nothing got done over there

mom lost her checkbook 
that needed canceling and replacing
then arranging the change in
direct deposits...

just hours going by
 at the bank
on the phone
the police at the door 
( funny story for another day...)
all is well
just tangled finances, misplaced everything

 I worked day shift the past three days
for more applications training
a day off to crash today
after all my parent chores

maybe a long nap
with two cats
will restore my mental state


  1. Oh Kelley,
    What a sweetheart you are and your parents are so lucky to have you! It's so nerve wracking to have to deal with banks and changes can get real nightmarish!
    Hope it is all worked out now! your mailbox in the next few days... good girls deserve a little surprise!
    Get some rest now!
    Cathy G

  2. LOVE the hollyhocks ~ even for a gardener!
    God bless you for helping with aging parents. It is NOT easy.
    Hugs :)

  3. I hope you can get a day off just for you, you need a break this week. Love those hollyhocks, nice idea.


  4. Kelley,
    Who came up with that great idea for the hollyhocks? With my black thumb, I might be able to keep them alive.
    Love all the cute cats and sayings. Kits do say the darndest things (with apologies to Art Linkletter who was before your time).

  5. Oh sweet hollyhocks!God bless you for being there to help your parents!Hope that you were able to catch up on some you time today.Hugs,Jen

  6. Your parents are very lucky to have you...a true gift !!
    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these Hollyhocks.
    I want some in my garden !

  7. I lost my credit card last week so it is nice to hear I am not the only forgetful person ... you, I am sure, are a great blessing to your parents.

    Hope you have a nice, relaxing, joyful weekend.

  8. Altho difficult at times, be thankful you have your parents. This week marked 54 years since my dad died. You are really a wonderful daughter, so don't forget to pat yourself on the back now and then and carry-on. Right?
    Rest, revive and get back to being our creative girl.
    Remember....Atta Girl Kell!!!!! You are a tremendous daughter!

  9. Love the faux hollyhocks - I need some of those! And bless you for what you are going thru ~ time to be a parent to your parents.

  10. who doesn't love hollyhocks, and those are surely drought resistant!

    Nothing scarier than loosing a checkbook or credit cards these days.You are a great daughter to help out with all of that. Hope things will settle down soon.

    Nap any chance you get! Jonut!
