Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wool Room Move

after the big rest yesterday
that recharged me physically
today it's time for a mental fix

spending time moving my wool room from a small bedroom 
to the oversize living room...
two shelving units done
with two more to go plus basket after basket
of smaller pieces of wool

I've been looking for a smaller place to move to
for about a year
so far nothing that's just right
 with the folks needing so much help now
it looks like that is on hold

sorry for the blurry pic

 for now
moving my wool around makes me happy
Melrose too as he checks everything out
Olivia has had her turn 
so she's sleeping in the sun...

yesterday this house was a mess
today it's ten times worse
a good mess really
piles of wool
cats sniffing everything
we've all had a good day

for sure
I could use another nap
instead of going to work


  1. It's always a good day when your playing in wool :) Love you sweet kitties, they are the best company! Have fun in your room. ~My Best, Kimberly

  2. Cleaning and going through our stash is always a great way to relax and spur new ideas.


  3. A messy house is a sign of a happy quilter/wooler :) At least that's my story and I'm sticking with it lol!

  4. Kelley,
    Look at all that yummy wool! I'm glad you had a good day moving it. Maybe we'll get to see a new Kelley design from the inspiration of handling all the wool!!
    hugs, Lori

  5. I am semi organized I wish I had the time right now to reorganize.

  6. A bigger mess precedes organization for me too. Today, I was organizing too, maybe the time of year? I hope you have fun soon hooking, instead of rearranging. But it is true that you can be inspired so much by rearranging thr possible raw materials for creating!

    Napping in the sun sounds good too. Hope your shift went well!
