Monday, April 22, 2013


a busy morning
a little nap

I'd love to stitch on something
will probably nap more
wish I had a nice red bench outside like
this fella
the couch will do nicely in a pinch

all my new wool has been washed
now to get it on the shelves
the Moda colors are gorgeous
the wool

I had ordered some from Betsy's
latest mailer too
her wool is the best
(like Rebecca's)
I think I'll stitck with them from now on

I have so many ideas for hooking
might even enough for a booklet
when time allows...
houses, birds, cats, flowers and sheep
have been
dancing around in my head

hope you're having some lovely
Spring days
flowers and trees are blooming here


  1. Hopefully you can relax tonight and catch up on some shows and stitch a little. I haven't punched in ages, in the mood to do something new.

    Today I did more in one day than I did all week, but nice to get bursts of energy again.


  2. Even though the flowers and trees are blooming, it's still too flippin' cold!!!
    Good to know about the Moda wool. I bought some of Betsy's wool on Saturday. Like you, I love both her's and Rebecca's.
    A nap sound heavenly!!!
    Hugs :)

  3. Naps are wonderful... i gave in and ordered some Betsy wool too... should be on my doorstep today... :-)

  4. I wish I could nap like kitties! Nothing more peaceful than watching a nappin kitty either.

  5. Rebecca's wool is still an unknown delight to me. You make it harder to resist!

    The colors will delight your eyes, and unless you're putting a rug down on the floor, so so wool will do. But good to know! I completely trust your thoughts on that.

    I'll be watching for the booklet soon... Fall? summer? Winter topics? Wharves, it will surely please me!
