Sunday, May 26, 2013

Combined Sewing Room

as I take more and more
of my belongings to Mom's house
she may be seeing an
upside to our sharing
a sewing room
(used to be her bedroom/sewing room)

I was in the back room
when she noticed a tiny small portion
(20-30 balls)
of my Valdani pearl cotton collection
immediately she picked it up
and said
"I'll just take this to my sewing room"

the look on her face
tone of her voice
will be with me always
she is beyond delighted
to have such access to wool and thread

I've found giving her tasks
help her find a purpose
today she made baked beans
and deviled eggs
to share with Dad tomorrow
otherwise known as
"now who is that man we go visit"

Dad is much happier in his new room
his other rooms
were at the end of a hall
this one is in a busy area
no more feeling lonesome

all the little things
have made this a wonderful day


  1. So great to hear Kelley! Thinking of all of you and keeping you in my prayers for many more good days. Hugs, Lori

  2. such a sweet post friend Kelleygirl ~ glad to know you're keeping Mom busy and helping her 'help' you! had to chuckle about the valdani though ~ :))))
    ~ Lori

  3. It is all about the little things in life.
    thinking of you

  4. That is so cute, you gave her a built in quilt and sewing store, lol. I am glad your dad is in a better room.


  5. What a great upbeat post, Kelley! I am sure your Mom will find many things of yours to be delighted with. ~grin~ You are truly a wonderful daughter.

  6. Kelley~
    There''s a special place I heaven waiting for you!
    Glad dad is doing better and you are able to help mom in so many ways.
    Happy Memorial Day to you.
    Hugs :)

  7. This post is warm and wonderful.
    I am positive you are a real treasure to your parents ! While I'm sure it is not easy, your efforts are priceless !

  8. How delighted your mom is with all your stash must bring a smile to both your faces. I'm glad your daddy is adjusting to the room change.

  9. Thinking of you... Wish there was something I could do to help, and make your load a little lighter! Love that mom found such joy in your threads! :)

  10. hugs, such joy in just the simple pleasures!

  11. Which of us wouldn't share your mother's delight at the access to such lovely things? I have no doubt you'd have shared it all with her before, but having it within a few steps, priceless!

    Loved the picture of the kitten and sewing machine. My loved Buddy cat who looked so like Chester, used to try to catch the thread when I was sewing... Our memories are filled with precious moments, triggered by other things.

    Wishing you many moments of joy!

  12. Your parent stories are so precious. I cannot imagine going thru this. I have outlived my parents by 14 1nd 15 years, respectively. I'm sure I will be "that parent" to my kids.
    My thoughts are always with you. I am so proud of how you handle the situation.
