Monday, May 20, 2013


my Mom is forgetting us...
she knows she is married
but not sure who the man
we keep visiting is...
she speaks of me
to me
as if talking of someone else...
hoping when I move in
she'll remember who I am


  1. I am so sorry my dear! It has to be terribly hard to handle all that you have been dealt lately.I send you big hugs and my prayers.You are a wonderful daughter.Hugs,Jen

  2. I am so sorry to hear that and I hope that you moving in with her, will help to calm and keep her more centered.


  3. My heart is with you Kelley. You have been told, time and time are a wonderful daughter. You are blessed that you have them and they have YOU. It doesn't make it any easier.......but we all hold you "very high".
    You are truly one of the "good ones".

  4. In all honesty, when that happened with my Granny, she got less and less able to recognize those of us who had grown up. The nurse told me she wandered the halls looking for me on a trike. That made me feel both loved and so sad, thinking of that frantic feeling we'd all have at a lost toddler, especially one lost to the years of growing up...

    Store away the loving things she says about Kelley, if she says something hurtful, chalk it up to something unsaid long ago, and remember those unsaid things we all keep back to save the spirit of someone we love. Never doubt her love of Kelley...
