Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Folk Art Applique

a book on my wish list
(aka in my cart at amazon)

Jan Patek image and pattern

I know I've told you before
that mom sitched four of these
Bible Quilts
from the Jan Patek pattern

on a recent visit my sister and BIL
hung my quilt in Mom's living room
she loves to look at it
and keeps saying
she doesn't believe she made it
and three others

I've been moving some things slowly
in to her house...
looking at all my quilts
has been a treat

she says seeing them makes her
want to start stitching again...
 during a Pinterest ramble
this caught my eye

over my initial freak out
about Mom
or my dealing with the reality of her
mental status...

there was never any question
that moving in with her was the right decision
now it just seems to be
taking too long...

Dad is doing good
I've been taking him outside
in the mornings to read the paper
he's loving the sunshine and fresh air

Each day brings a new challenge
for all of us...
some bright spots too

Thank you for your prayers
for your emails
your friendship
my time online is a little
bit of peace


  1. OMG!!! My poor heart just did complete flip flops over that skirt!!! OH OH OH it' SO Super FANTATIC!!!! Thanks for showing it!!!

  2. Your Bible quilt is wonderful.

  3. Such an interesting skirt!

    My SIL moved in with her mother to care for her as MIL's memory faded. We so much appreciated that she wanted to do that. I hope all goes well for you. The Bible quilt is wonderful!

  4. I do love that apron, would be fun to do some quilts like that and of course I will be doing the bible quilt, think in homespun and some of the japanese taupes.


  5. Kelley,
    As the daughter of 90-year-old parents, I know that I am blessed everyday to have them still. What you are doing is a true gift. Living in Florida, I see too many people who have no one to help take care of them. Please be sure you get some "Kelley time' scheduled in. It will be necessary to keep a balance in your life.

    take care!

  6. Blessed be.... Listen to this Shaker Hymn the tune is simple to learn

    Tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free, tis a gift to come down where we ought to be.

    When we land in the place where all is right, we will be in the valley of love and light....

    A bit changed from the original, but a good song to learn to sing under one's breath. The tune is one of my personal favorites, and the only thing I sang to Livvie as a baby. It can relax you with practice.
